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Daughter -- Track 8


The Story

This song is very precious to me. It was written in February of 1986 by Julia Weede, who at the time worked in the Admissions office of my college, and by Rev. Michael Turriff, a WELS Lutheran pastor in Waukesha, Wisconsin. They wrote it for a concert they played in around that time. 

I credit Pastor Turriff with saving my life when I was a teenager. Like so many others, I had grown up with a heart that had been shattered by alcoholism and divorce. I hid my pain so well and so deep inside of me that I pretended to everyone, and especially to myself, that I was fine. But at the very moment I could no longer hold the pain in, at a religious Youth Rally where a speaker was talking about alcoholism in the family, God in his providential arrangement sidled Pastor Turriff alongside me as I bawled my head off. Mostly he simply paused next to me for a few minutes, and I finally nodded in agreement to talk about my tears later. That moment stayed with me as my first incontrovertible evidence that there was Love in the world, it Love was for me.

Fast forward 18 months. I was in college, and wandering the halls one day, I heard music and a familiar male voice. Julie and Micky had just finished writing Daughter, and they played it for me. I was stunned. It was as if the Scriptures came to life and Jesus walked right out of them and stood in front of me. Suddenly, I was the woman crying, "Oh Lord, it's me. I only wanted to be free from all this pain..."

When I had firmly decided on recording an album, the very first realization that dawned on me is how much I wanted to record this song. Just as once God met me through this song and its authors, so now I too want to share this song, and my music, with my prayer for others to experience the grace of healing and conversion.

The Lyrics

Standing in the dust, the crowd surrounding her

Reaching to touch the Savior

If I could only touch his hem, my pain, my heart, my tears, my soul

my life would be set free forever

Standing in the dust, the crowd surrounding her      

Brushing his hem with her finger                                                            

her pain was gone

the Savior turned and looked around with questioning eyes

Who touched my hem, who felt my power?

Kneeling in the dust, the crowd surrounding her

With trembling eyes she saw her Savior
Oh Lord, it's me

I only wanted to be free from all this pain

I knew that only you could heal me

Daughter, Oh daughter

Your faith has made you well

Go in peace

Daughter, Oh daughter

Your faith has made you well

Go in peace


Kneeling in the dust, the crowd is gone from her

Stunned by the joy that’s overcome her
My Lord, My God

He heard my heart cry out in pain and touched my soul

My life, my love are His forever

Daughter, He called me Daughter

my life, my love are his
Go in peace
Daughter, (he called me) Oh Daughter

my life, my love are his
Go in peace

Daughter, (he called me) Oh Daughter

my life, my love are his
Go in peace

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